Thursday, August 26, 2010

"always gonna keep in touch! never wanna use a crutch!" (or: This Is Why I'm Straight Edge)

Listen, man. I know you like to go out and get trashed. So does everyone else, seems like. So you're not the only one. But man, I gotta tell you how I really feel. When you come around and you're totally wasted, it just feels like you're trivializing whatever we got here. I mean us, like people, like just being people isn't cool enough. Like you want to fuck around with your brain because your brain's not enough to have a good time.
So let's be honest, man — drugs are bullshit. It's just so fucking selfish, you know? Like, hey, being around you is getting kinda boring, I'd rather not be me when we're hangin out. And hey, if you wanna get high every so often because that's fun too, then yeah, I can deal with that. I don't wanna do that shit. I like being a real person. You wanna get high now and then, I can deal with that, I'm just not gonna join you.
But when did it become the default? When did growing up turn into every weekend, going out and getting shitfaced? Aren't we smart enough to find new shit to do, and not have to use a crutch to have a good time at a party? Apparently fucking not.
Whatever, man. Keep fucking around with your brain whenever you get tired of being a person who has to live in the real world. I'm not gonna do that shit. I'm smart enough and strong enough to have a good fucking time on my own.

(note: you'll notice that I'm not actually militant/an asshole about this in real life. But this is why I hate the drug culture, and why I'm straight edge, and also why I would be very angry if you got me drugs as my birthday present.)

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