Sunday, April 19, 2009

day 9

my head is full of osmoregulation,
balancing blood against seawater and
wondering if on some other planet
the people are filled with seawater
and the oceans are filled with blood

but that other planet is really just
judgment day and i am just seeing
four and a half months into the future.

my muscle draws out my blood and i
blanch at the sight of it for fear
of being judged. but the blood is
probably just heaven punishing me for
not conforming (osmoconforming) to their
binary. they are having trouble regulating
(osmoregulating) me and my dirty, alcohol-scented,
seawater blood, filled with the pollution of man.

i look for satan to tempt me but even
he doesn't want to come any closer.
i don't know who's the birds and who's
the mammals but i am the paper-winged
bat with the high-pitched voice.

i look for the kids or the grains of hair but
i don't even see their silhouette
rescuer ships on the horizon.

a lack of osmoconformity will stiffen
my blood into pillars of salt.


Annie-Laure said...

i like the ocean trend that is going around now.

i also like when reading your poems informs me about your life.

Ianthe Wilde said...

i second everything annie said, since it's exaclty what i was going to say before i read what she wrote, and i will also add that the phrase "dirty, alcohol-scented, seawater blood, filled with the pollution of man" kind of made me chuckle even as i realized it was possibly rude and/or sacrilegious to do so.

Lucia Kalinosky said...

I feel like the fact I am taking bio at the same time you are makes this poem more fantastic. But it was already pretty fantastic

Lucia Kalinosky said...

Whoa I just got the line that Kerri liked after reading her comment and I like... got it.

Ianthe Wilde said...

well, i was pretending "smile" was two syllables. also, connor is wearing a funny hat as he crafts his geometry paper. just thought you should know.

Coweh said...

did i forget to tell you how good this is? well, it's really really good. but sad. and kind of dismal. but also really good. pillars of salt? significance abounds.

also, my word verification is "being".