Wednesday, April 22, 2009

children of november 3rd

they found us —
we weren't as smart as we thought we were
so we used whatever we could find,
pocket knives, chairs, broken bottles,
and we're not that smart

but we weren't stupid enough to think we could win
and when i looked around with my temple
pressed to the floor and my arm twisted behind me,
i saw some of my brothers were on their backs
(i wasn't born with any family)

with their hands up, begging for mercy
to be shown to their comrades, and the same plea
was coming from my bloodied mouth in gasps,
automatically, and dark red was dripping into
my eye and obscuring my vision but

i will not let them blind the public to our bruised faces
or stifle our cracked and wild voices.
we knew we couldn't win when we saw their nightsticks
but we didn't take one step back, didn't even
think of it, and they can use their nightsticks and bash
all our teeth inward and separate our jaws from our skulls but
we will not let them shut us up

to save our own lives, or even those of our brothers

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