Friday, March 27, 2009

i think we all deserve a little optimism (or: in which i reference supernatural, mister foe, & ben folds, plus a couple other kids you may recognize)

i talk so much about ups and downs
i take the downs for granted and i
usually don't notice the ups but

i talk so much about how i can't change how i feel
and then some angel shows up (unexpected this time)
and all i can think about is: i'm happy for some reason

sometimes ghosts kill brothers
and sorrow kills mothers
but sometimes the ghosts were lying
or there was nothing we could do

and my mother is gone too
though my zombie eyes are here to stay but
i am not alone. hey you —
we found a will, so we found a way.
and you  — tomorrow will be shiny and new.
and you — spring will be here soon.

i'll wait for the sound of crickets in the april rain
and then the drugs will ease the pain
and i will not set the house ablaze
with a cigarette


Annie-Laure said...

i like optimism. your titles are very long!

Annie-Laure said...

also, btw, it has come to my attention that you haven't commented on mine since you said you had ptsd and i hope the ptsd wasn't so far-reaching that you decided to Never Read Anything Ever Again. because that would be Sad

Ianthe Wilde said...

who are you and what have you done with riley?!?!?!!

.... oops i guess there's no way i can turn that into a compliment, but i promise it is one and also not simultaneously an insult.

... expressive FAIL.

Coweh said...


... supernatural, too.

Ianthe Wilde said...

question: who got which assurance? (yes, i'm procrastinating.)