Friday, March 13, 2009

aren't there any good guys left? (or: wtf supernatural) (or: FUCK YOU SAM WINCHESTER)

if i could speak in light waves instead of sound
i would ask how
is man capable of such specific evils
though in this machiavellian setting
there is no data on what is right and what is wrong,
so instead of building
we put on the obligatory sad faces and lie

so jealous of being the big brother
that when you had the chance
you just had to go abuse your power

abuse the trust of some poor asthmatic twelve-year-old


Ianthe Wilde said...

meanwhile, my pursuits have left me with a profound sense of hope, since the twelve-year-old (who had leukemia) died with a legacy of honesty and friendship.

Ianthe Wilde said...

well, i hope your outburst didn't ruin the episode for noah. and yes, indeed, my poem was inspired by said novels (the movie sucked) although not really about it. it was pretty much for annie, as only she will pick up the taylor swift references.
my twelve-year-old collapsed in a drugstore and then we learned she basically had a few months to live cus they took her off medecine because it wasn't working and she just wanted to live normally for a while. then tibby went and slept on her grave with her dead guinea pig. don't let anybody tell you those books are lame. they are so very emotional and honest. i love them. i should buy them. or marry them. something.

Coweh said...

this is pretty much correct. the poem, i mean. fuck you, sam. fuck you.

the degree to which i loathed everyone i used to love is quite astounding. the episode wasn't bad, exactly, but nearly everyone in it was.