i probably looked dead behind the eyes but
actually i was still in the process of a)
hanging myself
b) splitting my wrists
c) giving myself concrete shoes
d) sticking a fork in a socket
e) drinking a bottle of advil
f) spilling heavy metals in my scrambled eggs
g) sticking my head in an oven
h) or a microwave
i) dousing myself in gasoline and lighting myself (like) a match
j) taking a pistol to my temple
k) or my chin
l) or the roof of my mouth
m) taking elliott smith to heart (or rather his knife)
n) drinking hydrofluoric acid
o) depriving myself of food
p) or water
q) throwing myself off the golden gate bridge
r) standing under a tree in a thunderstorm
s) swimming in an avalanche
t) feeding the tigers (with myself)
u) pointing a gun at a police officer
v) running my car into a brick wall
w) cannonballing into a bucket of razor blades
x) or possibly just eating them
y) taking vicodin AND celexa AND clonazepam AND johnnie walker
z) eating the wrong kind of caterpillar
and i will tell him
that i would like to annul the adoption papers
because i no longer want to live
with his twenty-six younger brothers
you forgot the MOST IMPORTANT WAY: beating oneself to death with a piccolo.
(yes i do believe i have missed the point)
I take celexa! For my stomach problems...
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