Wednesday, January 7, 2009

thanks, nova, for scaring the shit out of me (or: global dimming, look it up)

yeah, i don't want to believe it either.
but god. god. it's true.
scientists are raining down these apocalypses on us
(speaking in controlled, pensive voices that betray,
and for some unfathomable reason
they all wear glasses and the glare on the lenses renders their eyes

and did you know? because i sure as hell didn't
that we are caught in a catch-22
a catch-3 degrees by mid-century
catch those snowflakes in your mouth while you can
(or don't actually —
they are all poisonous)

the only thing keeping us from total disaster
is the same thing that's causing the disaster in the first place.
the sun is dimming behind our industrial veil.
but for every degree it cools us,
it gives us just a few more cancer cells, in places we might not
even notice them. i certainly haven't.

remove the veil and give us our health.
remove the veil and wash us away
with higher seas and dying animals at the feet of our beds.
you know, we could always just leave it there.
at least then we'll be the ones showing up
at the feet of the polar bears' beds

wondering how we let ourselves get
so fucked over in the first place.
i'm starting to think
a .22 might be
the only way out of this


Ianthe Wilde said...

i looked it up. good morning!


Annie-Laure said...

well this is cheerful