Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the defeat (or: in which i reference eleven songs/albums and talk about the apocalypse again)

television off, apocalypse on.
if you'd been paying attention you would know that
there is no way to prevent this tragedy.
watch the sons of the fallen nation limp
in livid agony
through the nuclear winter
every step driving the fragments of their broken lungs
further and further into the backs of their throats.
they beg for guernica.

look under your feet.
god is sleeping, trapped beneath the ice,
and all his sons went downhill fast
dead between the walls of jail cells or mosques.
bowing to the wills of advertisement executives.
kissing the feet of automatic rifles.
are we rich or just sinking slowly?
the earth isn't humming.
it's not even breathing.

only the clouds reach down
to check for any whimpering remnant
of a once-seismic pulse.

there are giants in the ocean
the rising tide carries them towards land


Lucia Kalinosky said...

I like the guernica reference. and the god under the ice part.

Annie-Laure said...

i referenced seven songs in "and blue" and i thought i was extra super clever, so i am impressed that you included even more.

also, please reference my comment on kerri's.

Coweh said...

yay, mission accomplished.

also, this poem is really good despite the fact that this is your billionth apocalyptic poem. you'd think it would get old, but nope, not really and this is a run-on sentence.

(it's okay, my last poem referenced bones a million times like i have a tendency of doing nowadays).