Thursday, November 6, 2008

seb (image + imagination)

you saw the best minds of your generation
destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical,
and bearing witness to such a tragedy
has traced dark, demure circles around your eyes

you look down and pretend
that those circles are supposed to be there

i hope that one day your ring finger
lives up to its name
and you find someone to give all your words to
who has in his heart the same sunset that colors your hair

but if that never happens, i want to take your hand
cover up your ring finger and give you all of my hope

maybe someday you'll stand on the edge of a cliff
and the wind will howl around you,
blow the dark circles away from your eyes and
let there be light

and you will look out over the ocean
and all of your guilt will be washed away


Annie-Laure said...

whoa who is this about

Ianthe Wilde said...

i'm with annie. this is AMAZING.