Wednesday, October 29, 2008


(the assignment this time was to write a villanelle. which is pretty difficult. wiki it.)
(i should probably note that this poem is about the death of the buddha, whose name was siddhartha gautama; he died from eating some rancid pork that was offered to him.)
(i should also note that i do not remember how this goes, so it may suck.)

they give you their love and their rancid meat.
they come for your words like a thief in the night.
dearest siddhartha, oh do not eat.

you finally found that universal peace.
they grab at your robes, the red and the white.
they give you their love and their rancid meat.

you are their harbor in stormy seas.
they bring their gifts to your guiding light.
dearest siddhartha, oh do not eat.

they swallow down every word you preach.
"give, do not want!" "befriend, do not fight!"
they give you their love and their rancid meat.

oh gautama, rise up and flee!
leave their offerings! take your flight!
dearest siddhartha, oh do not eat!

you are everything that they want to be.
they are proud of their hands but they covet your sight.
they give you their love and their rancid meat.
dearest siddhartha, oh do not eat.


Coweh said...

it was... interesting.
i liked the poem itself but i'm not a fan of villanelles, apparently.

Annie-Laure said...

the villanelle I wrote that one time was about a robot! they are fun!

I hope you do sestinas next. they are the hardest thing ever! harder than the saturday crossword! harder than .... okay, wow, the code word is "thick" and this is all degenerating into some kind of dirty joke, so i will desist.