Thursday, October 30, 2008

30 minute infomercial

you can keep
the hope
that we've laughed at time and time again

you can keep
those chords
you can keep
those smiles

we said "heartbreak," and we said it again,
but really
you won't be able to stop the halves of your heart
from coming together;
each is the other's keeper
and they will not
they will not
let you fall.

there is no "now" and "then."
there is only you.


Ianthe Wilde said...

this is love and hope, and i chuckle when i superimpose obama over it all.

also, well, good, that was kind of an obvious reference. except for the part where "remember who you wanted to be" is actually written on this bathroom stall in this restaurant in branford.

Annie-Laure said...

"remember who you wanted to be" is written on my alarm clock.

how was the infomercial, btw?