Monday, March 29, 2010

Last Days

(this week we imitate George Herbert. basically pull a metrical/rhyme scheme out of your ass and follow that. enjoy)

How long have you been underneath his thumb?
He preys on you with cloying pleasantries.
Let your dark reveries loose.
Muster the deaf and the dumb.
With one light touch he brings you to your knees.
How long will you submit to this abuse?

He'll hold you close to him and take your hands,
But just so he can draw the blood from them.
Skim off the film from your eyes.
Gather the grit and the sand.
I know you have it in you to condemn.
Relinquish your subservient disguise,

And cast at him what armaments you've saved.
The vultures will make him a suitable grave.

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