Saturday, December 5, 2009

two weeks and counting

sometimes sickness grabs you by the collar
throws you up against the wall and cracks
your sternum in two with his elbow. it takes
weeks to heal. all i can do is lay in bed
and think of my favorite things. friends.
windy summer days. pet cats.
books to read. red cars. holidays.
but sometimes we can't have all that. so we
take what we can get. friends.
the last days of autumn. a warm bed.
a new kind of piano. red flannel. two hours to sleep.
when i cough my sternum bucks back into
my spinal cord. i feel it when i put my
hand on my chest.

1 comment:

Coweh said...

my friend actually cracked his sternum. also, this poem is REALLY GOOD. i didn't read it at first because i thought it would be sad. but then it was just bittersweet.