Tuesday, May 26, 2009

one five six four (or: tl;dc)

i'm sick and tired of all your shit
you're a fucking four-chord wonder, baby,
you'll let anyone use you,
and maybe you sound a little different each time,
but it always feels the same
and it's easy to tell when you're faking your excitement.
i can't wait til it stops being fun altogether.


Ianthe Wilde said...


Annie-Laure said...

don't care, i'm guessing
i admit this did not fill me with joie de vivre. some of which i could use at this moment
i am putting in a request for a poem about ponies and unicorns

Coweh said...

what is this one about? i'm getting that "it's about me oh god" syndrome that i get every once in a while. nevertheless, it's good.

huh. or maybe the "it's about me oh god" syndrome is really just a result of awesome poetry skillz.

Coweh said...

oh. sometimes i am sad on your behalf.

Lucia Kalinosky said...

This is the saddest thing i've ever read.