Monday, May 11, 2009

saturday's child works hard for his living (or: for callum innes)

i scrabbled my way out onto the streets again
thought i was summat special cause i was an ex-con
but it didn't take me long to figure out that
meeting new people is dangerous fuckin work
and it's a lot safer to just stay in the car

i don't run as fast as i'd like, y'see
and it doesn't matter i've gotten used to it
i don't fuckin like the taste of blood in my mouth
(although i order a drink and a chaser or two
and everything drifts out of focus, as nice as)

and you know
i don't mind kicking the shit out of lying bastards
and you know
i can take a beating with the best of em
but nowt changes the fact that i'm just a dog amongst dogs

i'm just a fuckin coward

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