Thursday, May 21, 2009

my name is christian and you better not wear it out

i'm the sinner amongst the saints alive
don't tell me to fucking swallow my pride,
because i've been there, done that,
all it did was knock my teeth back
deep in my throat where the whiskey goes
when i get so drunk i can't stand up
and i really couldn't give a fuck
because you burned me up and let me down
and i'm burning down this fucked-up town

so just go back to your church and preach
against serenades or sodomy
whatever the topic of the day may be
because i won't be there to hear it.
i'll be throwing molotov cocktails
through your windows late at night
and i'll be listening to the plainclothes soldiers
yelling "don't give up the fight!"

and after the riot when i'm still wide awake
you might find me crying in the bathroom
stunned and disillusioned at how pathetic this shit is
but i can do whatever i goddamn want to do
'cause it won't be long before you're calling my name
and trust me when i say i'm not fucking around
i might be crying in the bathroom all alone
but when the time comes, i'll kick this fucking door down

because i know i'm a bleeder but i'm not the only one
i am nuclear america's prodigal son

1 comment:

Annie-Laure said...

a. tl;dr yet
b. i see what you mean about the title. now it just seems funny. the only really necessary comment on my poem was "emoooooooooo" anyway.