Saturday, August 23, 2008

ode to cloves, take two (i'm hoping for some redemption)

you heard me say the word "bitter"
when i was talking to you
but it wasn't about you

even though everything should be about you
because the new dawn blazing out from your city
stuns me every single morning

sometimes i just slow down because
i don't want to hear words anymore
and i feel bad because i lie

i lie and say i love you, goodbye
when i really mean i love you, please stay,
please help me out a little bit here

which is selfish, i realize,
but i can't help it that i've gone back to my old ways
and the word "collapse" is the angel dancing on the head of a pin

take me back to where i was
before i learned the word "bitter"
so that you would never hear me say it

sometimes i slow down but sometimes
i make a swift descent, like going straight down the middle
of a spiral staircase

i could reach out and grab an iron step
to stop my fall

but the concrete of the floor below me
looks so warm

1 comment:

Ianthe Wilde said...

1. ever listen to really old people talk? well, thats what i was doing. (de "dejeuner")

2. this is pretty, but somewhat sad, and i wish that -