Saturday, April 5, 2008

existentialism plus!

I believe in personal demons,
in digging up graves for fun,
in doing rain dances when a hurricane comes
until the grass is torn up beneath our feet.

All the trees in this mighty forest
depend on their roots to draw breath;
Men have no roots to keep us standing;
What are we doing? Where are we going?

Man is condemned to be free
and fly on wings of wax,
fearing the sun, the fog, and gusts of wind
that might trap him in the trees;

Don't put yourself up on a pedestal, boy,
You've done nothing good;
Everything was luck, it was all accidental,
We'll topple you down, boy, down, down, down!

I'll leap into the hellhounds' den
and let their red ripping jaws take me,
Because I'm no better than them, you see;
We're all condemned. We're all condemned.

Now our finale, boys and girls,
I'm going to step into a pit of fire;
Why don't you come forward and join me here?
It's only a matter of time.

And when (oh yes, when) you walk in here,
don't expect your right-handed glory;
your body is smoke and your spirit is ash,
billowing up into your sisters' throats.

There's no God up in that sky, you see,
but there's a devil beneath our feet.

There's no God up in that empty sky,
but there's a devil inside our minds.

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