Friday, January 29, 2010

ludlow lions

when i was a young boy i would lie in wait
in the tall grass on the bank of the pond.
half-hidden i would watch the little insects,
dandelion seeds float across the surface.
i would watch you part the lily pads with
strong strokes. we were best friends.
when you got out of the water you would stand
in front of me and smile stupidly as
droplets of water fell from your nose and
your torso and your swimming trunks. i'd
watch their snaking paths down your ribs.
i never really understood it. now i sit
alone on my porch. my hair looks like
dandelion seeds. you were my best friend.
i just wish you could hear me now. i finally
get all the things i felt back then. all the
things i felt when we were growing up. all the
things i felt at your funeral. i get it.
i understand.

1 comment:

Coweh said...

:< but good.

also since i wrote it after seeing a certain someone, i guess i was just bursting with emotion.