Thursday, June 18, 2009

mmmm jesse lacey

i am your religious disbelief
i am your personal new orleans flood
you can see it when i bare my teeth
my gums are covered in someone else's blood
but both my hands are clean and white
i don't need to touch you to make you bleed
all i have to do is tell you what's right
if i give you the razor you'll do the deed

i'm the ghost and the wolf and the priest and the gun
you're the worm and the dog and the child and the whore
i'll wave a hello to your six-year-old son
while you go insane on your living room floor
i make the soldier's finger slip
i'm the reason you can't take a life
and when you're away on a business trip
i'll be the one who's fucking your wife

so crack me open if you can
i'm the missing link between god and man


Annie-Laure said...

i hope you won't fuck my wife when i'm on a business trip. HAHhaHAHHAHAHahhah i'm sooooooo funny.

a. please change your blog's title to something other than the Most Emo Line in the Most Emo Song Of All Time.
b. i think we should root for randi and evan. agree?

Ianthe Wilde said...

wait, what had you changed the name to?