Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i wanna be on TV

one day i'd like to commit shenanigans under a fake name
it would be great if you came too
wearing giant fake sunglasses and acting like a douche
with an australian accent
you could also be a fake vegetarian and learn
everyone's secrets "by accident"

we could steal people's wallets and frame the tightass
who thinks he's running everything
we could pretend we were the world's number one
luge team and wear big fuzzy hats all the time
we could scale walls by throwing our jackets over the top
and after we leapt over
we would never touch the ground


Ianthe Wilde said...

i am a giant, sunglass-owning fan of this.

Annie-Laure said...

i love.

haha remember the amazing song "haha you're dead"? epiccc

Lucia Kalinosky said...

I love your references. "My glasses are famous."