Thursday, July 30, 2009

kenny florian vs. joe lauzon (lightweight bouts are the best ones)

i laid you flat out like a busted land mine
and i dropped to my knees
and cracked your elbows like a clam shell
because you are not brave
and this time, no, this time,
you are not going to walk away proud

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

breakfast is the most important meal of the day

it's been a long night for all of us.
so keep the burning in your throat to yourself.
swallow the last vestiges of nighttime chill to soothe it.
remember to think about it —
take small bites of the sunrise.
your friends will want some too.
listen: the solstice is over.
raise your hands to receive the sun.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

castiel's ashes (a before-and-after)

when purity falls to the basest of urges
and punishment lights up the skies,
when war angels come down to kill their own,
their faith laying scales o'er their eyes,

when the deserter takes the soldier's side
and plants his feet square on the ground,
then just pray to god they'll make it there.
pray they'll make it safe and sound.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

i come up with a lot of random shit when i'm weeding and it all rhymes

so i told the man, "i kissed the coal,
i can do everything you said"
still he would not give back the child he stole,
the one that lived in my head

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the northern

beelzebub scraped himself under our skin
and we screamed like so many violins
in so many pairs of abusive hands
that drew us so readily under their command
it made us forget what it means to be strong
now we dread to hear the trumpets' song
and we cut with water the holy wine
still it tears up our insides every time

Monday, July 6, 2009

fifth of fuckin ju-lye

when renato sobral began slowly to rise
i could see the fireworks pouring out of his eyes
the blood spilling from his twice-broken nose
there are no birds outside but cardinals and crows
the younger ones eat the older ones whole
to take back the blood-covered badges they stole
piles of red feathers all over the sand
this year i hold the lighter in my hand

kicking the mortar between the stones
and me sitting on them all alone
with dustin and jesse and cody and jay
and george and dallas and matt and blake
just me and my jackass attitude
and my fuck-the-rest-of-em worldview
i don't drink beer and i don't smoke weed
i don't want any of the things i need